See it - aim it - shoot it

ThruVision Core & Thermal Scope Line



With irARM™ thermal cores scope line, you can achieve unparalleled thermal imaging precision, thanks to our exceptional algorithms under any condition. Our products provide exceptional imaging solutions in any scene, ensuring that you never miss a target.

hawk 640

Explore the outdoors like never before with irARM™ Hawk 650 thermal line scopes! This unique thermal device offers high-quality thermal imaging with up to 4x optical magnification and up to 8x digital zoom. With built in Bluetooth and Wi-Fi connectivity, you can easily connect to a phone app or transfer images and videos. Record up to 4 hours of footage and take your outdoor experience to the next level. Click the button below to take your outdoor experience to the next level!

HAWK 320

Experience unbeatable precision in low light conditions with irARM™ Hawk 320 thermal scopes and thermal cores. This unique thermal device offers high-quality thermal imaging with up to 8x optical magnification and up to 4x digital zoom. Never miss a target, day or night. Perfect for hunters and outdoor enthusiasts at the right price range. Click below to explore Hawk 320 scope line.

thruvision 1280

Discover exceptional thermal imaging with irARM™ ThruVision 1280 thermal core! With a 12 um pixel pitch and 1280 x 1024 array format, this LWIR (8um-14um) camera provides high-quality imaging in any environment. Features like built-in shutter with FFC, adjustable image orientation, video and still image recording capabilities make all targets visible. Integrated Wi-Fi and USB streaming offer unparalleled convenience. Click below to learn more and make it yours today!

What our customers say

hunting deer in forest at night using thermal scope

The Advantages of Using Thermal Scopes for Hunting and Wildlife Observation

Gain the Upper Hand in Hunting and Wildlife Observation with irARM™ Thermal Scopes Hunting and wildlife observation are activities that...
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Night Vision vs Thermal Optics 1630x750 848x424 1

How Thermal Scopes Work: A Comprehensive Guide to Infrared Imaging Technology

Understanding How Thermal Scopes Work with irARM™ When it comes to thermal imaging technology, the ability to detect heat signatures...
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facilities management thermal imaging

The Future of Thermal Scopes: Emerging Technologies and Applications for Night Vision

The Future of Thermal Scopes: An Insight into Emerging Technologies and Applications for Night Vision Thermal scopes have revolutionized the...
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